Instructables Projects: Inc. Session 15/02/2018

Working with Ollie Saunderson, we decided to built an instructables project using the Arduino Uno board. We did find some simple projects, however some of these required an IC component which we didn't have. As we were restricted with components, we decided to find and create a project that only used LED's, resistors, wires and buttons/switches as these were easily accessible. The first project we decided to attempt, used a potentiometer which controlled the brightness of the LED's and a button to switch the LED's on and off. Unfortunately we couldn't find a potentiometer amoung the components given and therefore attempted this project without using one. However, this circuit didn't work. This may have been due to the circuit not being able to connect up correctly as it was missing a component or the incorrect resistors were used etc. LED Flash Flasher Circuit The second project we decided to attempt, was an LED flag flasher circuit which used LED...