
Showing posts from February 19, 2018

Idea for final project - Security Vault

For my final project, I had the idea to create an animated story/game based around finding a password to unlock the treasure locked in the security panel system (vault) that I will create using a LCD display, keypad and Arduino board. Moreover, I will have to manufacture the box and lock mechanism that will hold the electronics and treasure inside. I also want to edit 'hack' the mouse so that it fits with the theme and is more interesting than a basic generic mouse. Below are projects using the same type of system:   Bibliography & References [1] [2] [3] [4]

Building Sound Sensor Project

Sound Sensor Project To gain more experience with building projects using sensors, I decided to build the music reactive LED circuit found on the instructables website. This circuit uses a sound sensor which controls whether the LED flashes on or off - depending if music is playing or not. Code written for this circuit int  soundsensor = 3; int  led = 7;                // defining pin numbers void  setup() {     pinMode  (soundsensor,  INPUT );    pinMode  (led,  OUTPUT ); } void  loop(){   int sensorvalue =  digitalRead  (soundsensor);   //if the sound intensity is higher than threshold                               if (sensorvalue == 1)                              ...

Sound & Motion Sensor Ideas & Building Considerations

I would like to build a music reactive LED circuit where the LED flashes depending on the music played - which I found on instructables. I really like the idea of this project but am unsure how I can integrate this into my final project. Arduino motion sensor - which I would consider building Bibliography & References [1] [2]