
Showing posts from April 11, 2018

App Gamification - WhatsApp: Sitemap

This sitemap explains the journey that the user will take to access different features when using the app. This includes the messaging features, calling features and the newly gamified elements which I have added to the application. Original Application Modified Application As you can see, I have removed a number of features from the original WhatsApp application but have kept the main features that users find most important.

App Gamification - WhatsApp: Wireframe sketch (App Gamification)

These are a number of wireframe sketches showing how I would gamify this application. I have improved the chat feature by: Changing the message box shape, Changing the 'recording' button to a permanent send button, Removing the WhatsApp camera button from the message box, Removing the ability to send an image/video using the WhatsApp camera in attachments, Removing the ability to send a contact to another contact in attachments, Changed the delivery report symbol to using colours (e.g. green = delivered, amber = sent, red = failure to send) Gamified Elements added: Adding an achievements feature where completing an objective the specific amount of times stated allows you to unlock customisable features in the app, When sending a document, image or audio/recording an animation will play. The user then can swipe up to post the media into the letter box which sends it to the contact or can swipe down to delete the media and cancel sending the media, Wirefra...

App Gamification - WhatsApp: Wireframe sketch (App Improvements)

I have sketched a number of wireframe sketches improving the application in terms of making it more user-friendly. Modifications: - WhatsApp Header smaller and includes 'Chats', 'Calls' and 'Contacts' as tabs instead of 'Chats', 'Status' and 'Calls', Removed the search and camera features from the WhatsApp header, Calling, video calling and additional information shortcuts added to each conversation in the chat feature removing these options from the pop-up (Found when clicking on a contacts image), Removed the message button at the bottom of the chat feature which links to starting a new conversation with a contact (This option can be found in the contacts tab instead), Removed the add call button at the bottom of the call log feature (This option can be found in the contacts tab instead), Added the option to re-call, re-video call, message and find additional information as shortcuts in the call log  (Found by holding down on ...