
Showing posts from March 4, 2018

Storyboard Brainstorm & Storyline

I brainstormed and planned my story by using a mind mapping tool The storyline/plot of the flash game The story will be about a year 7 student who is bored during a maths class. Therefore because of this boredom, they decide to use their phone to pass the time. Unfortunately they receive a call making the phone ring and therefore causing the phone to be confiscated by the maths teacher until the end of the day. The student wanting their phone back sneaks into the classroom at lunch time to retrieve their phone. Unfortunately it has been locked in a confiscation box that has a password. The student rummages into the teachers draw to try and find the password but comes across a series of maths questions. The answer to these questions reveal the password to open the box successfully.  If a question is answered incorrectly three times, then the student gets caught by the teacher and has to suffer through detention. There will also be a time limit on all questions and wh...

Box Research

These are some boxes that are found on Amazon, that do not already have a lock or a closing mechanism already attached to the box. Moreover, these boxes are study and tough as they are made out of wood therefore making it difficult for someone to just open the box without knowing the password. However as they are made out of wood it will be easier to make modifications to the box as they can be drilled into easily, compared to metal or plastic. Furthermore, I liked the size of the box because it was a good size that would hold all of the items I needed to fit inside of the box including the electronics.  Bibliography & References [1] [2]

Security Vault Attempt 3.1 [Success]

I successfully rebuilt the locked box instructable project. When the correct password was entered into the keypad the green LED light switched on and the servo turned 90 degrees to unlatch. When the incorrect password or the clear key's ('#' or '*') were pressed the red LED switched on and the green LED was switched of. The servo turned 90 degrees in the opposite direction, to latch. The video below shows the project working fully When attempting this project again, I mainly followed the code instead of the circuit diagram because I wanted to ensure that the wires connected to my keypad were plugged into the correct pins on the Arduino board. I realised that if the pins numbers were not 100% the same as the code then the project was not going to work and therefore the hardware or code would have to be modified in order to work. Original Code:  #include <Keypad.h> #include <Servo.h> Servo servo_Motor; char* passw...

Editing & Testing Attempt 3 - Locked Box Project

The 4x4 keypad that I own is different to the 3x4 keypad used on the previous instructables project (Attempt 3) which might have been a reason why the project didn't work correctly. Only part of the keyboard worked and when even changing the password to fit this problem, the LED lights did not change and the Servo motor did not turn 90 degrees - as it was programmed to do. Therefore I found a diagram of a 4x4 keypad on the instructables website, with the differences in code between a 3x3 keypad to a 4x4 keypad. I found this diagram so that when the wires were connected from each row/columns to a number of pins on the Arduino board I would be able to tell if there is a problem with a particular row/column or wire. Bibliography & References [1]