DMD Kick-Off Week: Evaluation & Improvements
During this week some teamwork skills needed improving in our team. Communication During this week, I discovered that it was sometimes difficult to communicate with others. This was due to the English language proficiency of the international students in our team. Sometimes this made it difficult to understand or explain information and could have easily lead to mis-understandings within the team. Moreover there seemed to be a difference in curriculum and teaching meaning that there was significant gaps in software knowledge making it difficult to explain what was needed for our project. Luckily this wasn't a significant issue and we were able to understand each other most of the time. The team communicated using WhatsApp which wasn't an optimal platform for this type of communication. Pros Using WhatsApp was useful for: Immediately knowing who had received and seen each message - as a delivery report is displayed Sharing quick communications/updates to the team e.g....