Motion Graphic: Illustrations

Anja and I agreed that I would draw the illustrations while he would focus more on putting our motion graphic together in After Affects. I decided to use Adobe Illustrator as I am familiar with this software and can use it quite quickly. Vans The vans appear during the end of our motion graphic. They flow with the story as the Mum clicks the add to trolley button on the gnocchi which triggers the delivery vans travelling across the screen which implies that once you have completed your order, your delivery will be on it's way. This shows a fast and efficient service. Cabbage Van Lemon Van Onion Van Raspberry Van Apple Van Computer Screen This took the longest to illustrate as there was so many different elements that needed to be drawn and therefore we placed an empty monitor in our After Affects project which we used as a placeholder until the screen illustration was finished. As we imported the actual Illustrator artwork files in ...