Unreal Engine Lecture

David introduced us to the Unreal Engine interface where we used an already-existing template of a first person shooter game and attempted to add some components with added functionality. He showed us how to export object assets and into a 3D modelling software e.g. Autodesk Maya. so that we could re-shape these objects and create custom collisions. He explained that an .FBX format would work in almost any modelling software and therefore should use this when exporting assets. Instead of using scripts Unreal uses blueprints which include nodes that are able instruct assets and user input. It was programmed so that when the player was close to the lamp it would be on and if not it would be off. I attempted to program it so that when the player was near to the lamp, a text message would appear on the wall explaining that if you press a button on the keyboard the light would turn on. I wanted this message to only appear when the player collided with the lamp's collision sph...