Hackathon: Day 3 - Node.JS

Using the terminal we installed Heroku by typing the command, "sudo npm install heroku -g". To make sure that git was installed we tested this by typing the command, "git --version" As git wasn't installed in my computer, the terminal requested the install which I accepted. After the install finished, I typed the command, "git --version" again which confirmed that git was installed. Following Mar's instructions, we created a demo directory using the terminal. This created the "demo" folder. We then needed to update the "package.json" file to include a start script and change the "main" property to app.js. We added the following code to app.js. In the terminal we added the following commands: $ git init $ git add * $ git commit -m 'Initial commit' This created many modes. We logged into Heroku using the terminal. We commanded Heroku to cre...