Latest News Implementation & Design Decisions

Header image changed to gradiented image to add branding consistency using Ramsay Safety Solutions' colour palette. Navigation bar changed as mentioned previously for clarity. Photographic imagery used as mentioned previously to add branding consistency using Ramsay Safety Solutions' colour palette with the day and month of each published post added to each image. Instead of continuing the post icons on one page (as this would become lengthy), I decided to create more latest news main pages to improve interactivity and less scrolling for older posts. I deicded to use a maximum of twelve posts per latest news page, otherwise the user may loose interest quickly if they have to continue scrolling down a page. Blue tint used on header images for individual latest news posts, photograph used is the same as the image used on the latest news main page to add consistency and related to the blog post specifically. Image removed from each individual post, as this image was added...