[Research] Interesting Objects: Museum - The Hoverboard (4CTA1214)

We have had skateboards, surfboards, scooters, segways... But the big question is... when is the Hoverboard being released? Meet the Hendo Hoverboard! Originally designed in Japan, the board includes four 'hover engines' which are designed to create a magnetic field. It promises to lift a person an inch above the ground - creating the hovering effect. The only downside is that the board has to be placed on top of a metallic surface (aluminium, copper or stainless steel) for it to hover. New updated design of the Hendo Hoverboard Other companies such as Lexus, have been designing a Hoverboard aswell which works similar to the Hendo Hoverboard. However both boards share the same disadvantage, they cannot be used anywhere and would have to be used on a specialised skate park made of metal. Bibliography & References Anderton, E. (2017). VOTD: 'Back to the Future Part' Hoverboard Commercial. [online] Slashfilm. Available at: http://www.s...