ACE Presentation Preparation: Packaging Design Research

I read some extracts from books and articles about packaging design and what makes packaging design successful. From the article, GeambaŞu (2017) stated, “The packaging must have aesthetic appeal to attract customers but also at the same time meet the requirements for data product assortment.” This is important in creating a successful product as it must appeal to the target audience but also have characteristics that allow a company to sell different types of the same products well. (, 2018) This applies to the instant coffee range as I may include different flavours/blends and from the definition of product assortment from, my brand will need to have breadth, length, depth and consistency in order for it to be successful. GeambaŞu (2017) also states that, "The packaging design of high quality draws attention and provokes the buyer and the label attached to package aid the purchase decision of the customers." Therefore it is important that my pa...