CSS Animation

I realised that my logo and text were static on my landing page and wanted to make this more interesting. I decided that I wanted my logo to move up and down so that it would appear as though it was floating. Therefore I decided to use a CSS animation. I researched how I would do this and found a page on W3schools that explained how it would work and then edited this code until I achieved the desired effect. I used a class instead of an ID as I may want to use this effect elsewhere on my website. There are two syntax's as one is specifically for safari (uses -webkit) while the other version is the standard syntax. I named the animation logo, as this animation is being used directly on my logo however I may need to rename this if I decide to use this animation elsewhere. I set the duration for my animation to 3 seconds with a 2 second delay. The timing was set to linear as this created a smooth transition compared to the other timings I tried due to using the same sp...