Introductory Lecture & Game History

During today's lecture Mikki explained our assignment, gaming theory and the history of games. She explained that we needed to consider the: Narrative, Space and Causation when creating a game. Game History Mikki then went over different consoles, games and technologies throughout game history. Alot of games' functionality was limited due to the technology at the time, we learnt that RPGs sacrifice graphics due to limitations in the machine and many games face these same problems. The Nimrod computer was custom-made for what is thought to be the first video game named Tennis For Two which used an oscilloscope allowing two people to play tennis electronically. Atari 2600 - Many games did not include a narrative and were very basic. Mario Bros was created. NES - Where many of the flagship characters for Nintendo were first created. Super Mario Bros was created which didn't include text and used actions as part of the tutorial during the gameplay (You learn...