Website Marketing & Considerations

While researching Wordpress, I felt as though I was quite limited in terms of coding, design and templates. Therefore I decided the consider other options rather than wordpress as I felt as though I could gain a more professional result using a different method. As I have prior experience coding websites from scratch using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap I decided that this may be the best option when reworking Ramsay Safety Solutions' website. I was however concerned about the marketing aspect of the website and decided to research this. Furthermore, I also contacted the marketing company that was managing this for Ramsay Safety Solutions' previous website to make sure that they would be able to market the site (as this was the main reason why I was continuing to use Wordpress). Stuart assured me that they would be able to do this without the use of WordPress plugins. Now that I gained an idea from Stuart of what needed to be included in the website, I researched ...