
Showing posts from May 10, 2019

Reflective Post

On balance I believe this project was successful in telling a story through gameplay, asset design and the audio used. I created a successful platformer that allows the player to walk, jump, defend and collect items. On reflection there were elements that due to time constraints I wasn't able to implement and therefore I need to work on my time management skills. Throughout this project I have learnt that I need to improve coding in C#. I have realised that when writing code I am not using the most efficient or "cleanest" statements. For example when collected items in my script, I wrote ten if statements for each heart collected. Although this worked and was simple to understand, in future I would attempt to use a loop and array to run through each statement for each count number as this would save me time overall. Unfortunately due to my limited coding knowledge there were a few aspects of the game that I couldn't get to work. This included a health bar/hurt bar...

Full Havard Bibliography

BLACKTHORNPROD (2018).  COOL DIALOG SYSTEM - EASY UNITY AND C# TUTORIAL.  [Online Video]. April 8th. Available from: . [Accessed: 10th May 2019].   BOWL AND CEREAL (2017).  Unity Tutorial: Playing Audio (Music and Sound Effects) . [Online Video]. February 7th. Available from:  [Accessed: 10th May 2019]. BRACKEYS (2018a).  2D Animation in Unity (Tutorial) . [Online Video]. August 5th. Available from: [Accessed: 10th May 2019].    BRACKEYS (2018b).  2D Movement in Unity (Tutorial) . [Online Video]. July 15th. Available from: [Accessed: 10th May 2019].   BRACKEYS (2014).  1. How to make a 2D Platformer - Basics - Unity Tutorial . [Online Video]. April 26th. Available from: [Accessed: 10th May 2019]. BRACKEYS (n.d.).  2D Mega Pack (Camera2DFollow.cs. and Parallaxing.cs...

Development Choices

While I was working many aspects of the game were changed or removed due to time constraints. Health Bar. NPC conversations became UI dialogue text. Was going to include a house (as shown on the Level Design). Movement Platforms. Count removed changed to dialogue text. Enemies that were going to attack the player. Orb was going to be the defense against attacks. Heart animation. No footstep or landing on platform sounds. Dialouge sounds became actual voice acting. Game over became cut scene. Title Screen became cut scene and dialogue. Ability to mute or pause the game. Two separate endings became one. Using a WiiMote controller. Should have set escape button to quit the game.

Game Assets

All assests used in my game were created and illustrated by myself using Adobe Illustrator. For the player character, I animated a walk, jump, defense and idle animation so that there was more variety. NPCs Player Character Collectible Item Scene Cut Scenes (All images/illustrations deisgned in this post were designed by myself both cut scenes were created by myself, own images/videos, 2019)

Cut Scene Creation

I created both cut scenes on Premiere Pro using simple effect controls and video effects to make each scene flow. I used the position, opacity and scale settings for the heart that transitions into the dragons body and used crossfade and dip to black for the video effects. I decided to add a cut scene because this was another way I could tell part of the story and a good final ending to the game. I felt like adding the cut scene added a conclusion to the game. (Screenshot of Premiere Pro Project, Own Image, 2019}

Sound Design & Music

The sound and music for my game was created by Matt Burrows who studies BSc in Sound Design Technology at the University of Hertfordshire. I wanted to include sound and music to set the scene, as I believe that these elements can help to provide insight about the narrative without even playing the game. For example:  As my background was very dark, I wanted music that suited this dark setting and decided that cheerful sounds would not only confuse the player but not suit the tone of the game. Therefore Matt used minor chords when creating the music. The world is quite magical which is seen by the non-playable characters e.g. dragons, frogs, plants etc. and therefore a lot of reverb was added to the dialogue to give it a dream-like state. The jump, defensive orb and collectible sounds were primarily for player feedback so that they are aware that they have performed an action. As I wanted the game to sound more realistic than video gamey, Matt created all of the sounds/music f...


When creating my game I realised that I had created an imaginary world and doing so helps to build an atmosphere and setting. I believe that worldbuilding is important because it makes the player wonder what is going on in this world, outside of the narrative. The background choice for my game is quite dark in comparison to the player character. This is because this world is filled with negativity and despair. The main focus of this game is Dragona (the dragon) who also has quite a dark colour scheme to fit in with the world and because she is sad due to the loss of her husband (Darkus). In this magical world, it is common for there to be dragons, plants and frogs as these are creatures that be associated with scariness. (Own illustrations of background image and dragon character, own images, 2019) However these aren't the only characters in this world, the occasional human will appear. The girl has been raised by Dragona and wants to help her Mother fight the sadness s...