
Showing posts from November 13, 2018

Transitioning: Over-the-Shoulder Zoom

Anja and I discussed the transition from the Mum looking at the screen to the scrolling of the webpage. We first discussed zooming into the back of the Mum's head, then making this disappear to reveal the page she was looking at however I suggested that this looked unnatural. Another option was to have the screen tilted at an angel and somehow have the screen zoom into the computer screen however we couldn't think of a way to do this smoothly. I suggested flashing the frame of the Mum looking at the screen for a few seconds then showing the computer screen zoomed in however this also seemed unnatural. Anja and I compromised and added both of our ideas together to create a transition where the Mum moves to the side will zooming in, however we could still see the screen. We used placeholder images to show this transition. We used the Ocado logo as a placeholder for the Mums's head and a screenshot of the Ocado website as a placeholder for the computer screen.