Understanding React.JS Example Site

Mar gave us an example portfolio site which used react.js. To help me understand how react.js works I edited some of the example files which I then deployed to heroku. While looking at the about.js file, I noticed that information (Name, about, website etc.) was being pulled from a different file named resumeData. Moreover, I noticed that although the files were JavaScript files, html and CSS was being used to code the site however this code was returned and rendered differently. This was the app.js file which imported all of the files for each part of the website. Information from the resumeData file was being pulled so that the app.js file knew where this data was coming from for each part of the site. Therefore I decided to edit the information in this file and deployed this to Heroku. Deployed website to Heroku Bibliography Sudharshan Ravindran (n.d.). Sudharshan Ravindran . [Online] Available at: https://suddi.io [Accessed: 28 December 2...