New Ways of Interactions - Vimeo Videos

I really like the idea of Lego X as it enables individuals who may not have any engineering or design skills to be able to design products and visualise their idea's without using complex programs or mathematical skill.

Using Lego blocks with a type of motion sensor underneath each block, the application used on the tablet is designed to track where the pieces of Lego are being placed. An accelerometer sensor could have been used as it measures the changes in gravitational acceleration to sense motion in multiple directions.

This technology is interesting as the structure built from the Lego blocks can be used to form different objects. The Lego blocks can go from being cuboid shaped to being smoothed and rounded to form other objects such as a toy plane. Additionally, the application supports 3D printing software meaning that the structure built from Lego can be physically made.

I really like the idea of Toot as it allows young children to explore and interact with physical objects to introduce them to sound and can be controlled in a mobile application. This product was designed as a young child would find it quite difficult to play a small keyboard or guitar compared to a number of blocks.

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