Editing & Testing Attempt 3 - Locked Box Project

The 4x4 keypad that I own is different to the 3x4 keypad used on the previous instructables project (Attempt 3) which might have been a reason why the project didn't work correctly. Only part of the keyboard worked and when even changing the password to fit this problem, the LED lights did not change and the Servo motor did not turn 90 degrees - as it was programmed to do.

Therefore I found a diagram of a 4x4 keypad on the instructables website, with the differences in code between a 3x3 keypad to a 4x4 keypad. I found this diagram so that when the wires were connected from each row/columns to a number of pins on the Arduino board I would be able to tell if there is a problem with a particular row/column or wire.

Bibliography & References
[1] http://www.instructables.com/id/Connecting-a-4-x-4-Membrane-Keypad-to-an-Arduino/


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