Anja and I agreed that I would draw the illustrations while he would focus more on putting our motion graphic together in After Affects. I decided to use Adobe Illustrator as I am familiar with this software and can use it quite quickly.
The vans appear during the end of our motion graphic.
They flow with the story as the Mum clicks the add to trolley button on the gnocchi which triggers the delivery vans travelling across the screen which implies that once you have completed your order, your delivery will be on it's way. This shows a fast and efficient service.
Cabbage Van |
Lemon Van |
Onion Van |
Raspberry Van |
Apple Van |
Computer Screen
This took the longest to illustrate as there was so many different elements that needed to be drawn and therefore we placed an empty monitor in our After Affects project which we used as a placeholder until the screen illustration was finished. As we imported the actual Illustrator artwork files in After Affects instead of importing the exported version from Illustrator, this made replacing/updating files easier. After Affects would recognise if a file was missing and would ask us to re-link the file. We were able to re-link the blank monitor and replaced this with the completed monitor.
Desktop Placeholder |
I drew these items separately, then added them on the screen as I thought this would make it easier to manipulate these images.
Food Items
I based the screen on the actual Ocado website.
I visited the Italian cuisine page where I found the image of the Italian flag that appeared to be slightly eaten and thought I would re-drawn this and include it on our screen to show the specific page visited. I also included the red and green buttons found on the page.
When drawing this page, I took out most of the information on the Ocado website such as the names and prices of products as I thought that this should be mainly visual. I tried to make the products distinctive so that the audience would know what each product is without needing additional information as they wouldn't be able to read this in enough time.
Computer Screen |
We noticed that while on the website the add to trolley button would change and become a darker yellow when clicked on by the cursor. We mimicked this in our motion graphic as we wanted it to be as true to life as possible.
Add to Trolley Button Unclicked |
Add to Trolley Button Clicked |
Cursor |
Hand Cursor |
The furniture was draw to set the scene of the Mum ordering from Ocado.
We set the furniture to fly in and out depending on the scene.
Desktop and Table |
Table |
Chair |
The shelf is very important to our story as we see the Grandma holding the gnocchi bake and the almost empty bag of gnocchi sitting on the shelf showing that they had ran out of gnocchi and that the Mum needed to buy some more to make the dish.
Shelf |
The characters tell our story.
The Mum's dress using the core cabbage colour on Ocado's branding while the girl is wearing the core green colour that is used in Ocado's branding. We decided to do this to keep their branding consistent with our ad.
I began by drawing the character heads. I used the same head each time to show that the characters were related. For example, I edited the girls head by using the Mum's head and adding more hair etc.
Mum and Grandma head(s) |
Girl Character |
Mum Character |
End Scene