[Research] Futuristic Objects - Star Wars (4CTA1214)

There are many futuristic objects used in the Star Wars movies that could potential be manufactured in the future.

1. Han Solo's DL - 44 Blaster:

Highly reliable, accurate and easily modifiable, looks very futuristic in design and when shooting.

The gun itself has a vibrator system built into the hand grip which tells the user that the gun only has five remaining shots. It also the ability to charge a bolt twice as powerful into a capacitor without damaging the sidearm.

2. LightSaber:

Works by generating a beam of light using a kybercrystal that is hot (530 degrees) enough to cut through most materials - commonly used by Jedi.

Bibliography & References
Castro, A. (2017). The 10 most gorgeous blasters and ray guns in science fiction. [online] Syfy. Available at: http://www.syfy.com/syfywire/the_10_most_gorgeous_blasters_and_ray_guns_in_science_fiction [Accessed 30 Nov. 2017].

Wookieepedia. (2017). DL-44 heavy blaster pistol/Legends. [online] Available at: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/DL-44_heavy_blaster_pistol/Legends [Accessed 30 Nov. 2017].

En.wikipedia.org. (2017). Lightsaber. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightsaber [Accessed 30 Nov. 2017].


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