Finished Scenes (Graphics & Background)

I created the graphics for my scenes using Adobe Illustrator, I used this program because it enables me to draw vector images that won't become pixelated once resized. This allows me to ensure the graphic fits the stage in Adobe Flash without it looking blurry or unprofessional.

These background's/graphics may differ slightly from my original storyboard however these still fit the story well.

Start Menu, including buttons that navigate you to the instructions, credits and game

Instructions explaining a bit of background story and the arrow navigation used in the game


Start to the game, entering door of the Maths classroom

Entering the Maths class

Bored student

Teacher explaining Maths problem

Student uses phone because of boredom

Phone begins to ring exposing the student

Teacher reminds student that phones are not allowed and punishes student

Takes phone away from student

Locks phone away in box

Bell rings to signify the next class

Other students and teacher leaves, student stays behind wanting their phone back

Student looks in teachers draw for password to the locked box

Student find piece of paper with the note and has to answer ten Maths questions to retrieve the password

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Scene occurs if user is unsuccessful in answering questions correctly three times causing 'game over'

Scene occurs if user is successful in answering all questions correctly and retrieves password


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