DMD KickOff Week: Day 4 - Group Presentations

We presented our projects to the Digital Media Design students which went well.
I enjoyed working in my group as everyone was assigned a specific task.

Although Danielle and Simon weren't able to attend the presentations, we were told with plenty of notice so that we wouldn't have to rely on them being there.

We shared out the amount of speaking on Thursday morning in preparation for the presentation and each member that attended spoke about what their involvement in the project was.
  • Tyriq - Researched open data and user interfaces from other shopping apps
  • Danielle - Researched the health risks of air pollution and exploitation of workers
  • Daphne - Helped to create wireframes of the interface on my balsamiq & created a banner for the app
  • Mark - Created the logo and helped to brainstorm ideas
  • Simon - Worked on a digital MockUp of the wireframes using Illustrator
My involvement:
  • I lead the group by organising and delegating tasks
  • I helped Daphne create the wireframes on my basamiq as she hadn't used the software before
  • Researched API's and their involvement with sensors
  • Created T-shirt MockUps using Photoshop
  • Used InVision to make an interactive prototype of our app

I received my third stamp for attending and taking part in the presentation.


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