Analysing Survey Results & Improvements
25 people in total participated in our survey.
Results from this survey influenced some of our decisions when finalising our motion graphic ad.
2) Which food products of your favourite cuisine are available where you usually do your grocery shopping, if any?
From this question, the answers suggested that pasta was the most popular food product with 8 participants commenting this answer. One participant mentioned gnocchi which was an unusual answer and therefore persuaded us to choose this as our food of choice for our ad.
3) How often do you order from Ocado?
From this question, we discovered that the majority of participants (12%) shop at Ocado once every 3 months or more and that not many participants have shopped at Ocado before - as 68% of participants answered 'never' to this question.
This may be due to some misconceptions about Ocado itself as the following comment was given to the previous question. Therefore this may be one of the reasons as to why participants have never shopped at Ocado before because they think that Waitrose is part of Ocado when Ocado only sell their products online.

Improvements - Perhaps another question could have been asked regarding how often do participants online shop in general and not specific to Ocado. Therefore we could compare the shopping patterns of participants who shop online and on Ocado. Adding a comment box for the participants who answered 'never' would allow them to explain why they have never shopped at Ocado giving us more insight.
4) Do you feel like the selection of international food provided by Ocado is wide enough?
We discovered that the majority of participants were uncertain (56%) and after looking at the responses was due to never had shopped at Ocado meaning that they had never searched through their website either.
5) How much, on average, do you spend each time you shop with Ocado?
Three participants skipped this question which may have been due to this being a personal question.
Half of the participants said less than £20, however when I thought about this question this could have also meant £0 as there wasn't a range in this answer.
Therefore by filtered this down to participants who shop at Ocado, the results came back quite differently. This may have been due to participants being unsure how to answer the question if they had never shopped at Ocado before or answering it not specifically about Ocado.
Improvements - Perhaps adding a 'None of the above' option would have been useful for individuals who chose 'Other' as an option as they wrote in the comment box that they didn't shop online.
7) What do you like about Ocado compared to other similar online services?
This question was asked so that we could gain insight on what people like about Ocado in case we could include some of these elements in our ad.
There was a variety of answers to this question however the majority of participants mentioned the wide variety of products that Ocado offer compared to other supermarkets. However, the answers may have been influenced due to a previous question saying, 'Do you feel like the selection of international food provided by Ocado is wide enough?' which may have given the impression that Ocado already have a wide variety of food and therefore may have been considered when answering this question.
8) What is your gender?
When filtered down by participants who have shopped at Ocado, we discovered that although more females than males had taken our survey more males had shopped at Ocado in total.
Improvements - In future, we could have more options for participants who identify as a different gender to the ones mentioned and add a 'prefer not to say' option as this can be a personal question for some individuals.
9) How old are you?
This question was asked so that we could gain a better insight into the age of our target audience.
44% of participants were aged between 18 - 24 which would suggest a younger audience however this result may be biased due to the group of individuals that were exposed to the survey being our friends who are a similar age to us.
When this was filtered down to participants who have shopped at Ocado, the majority of participants were aged 55 - 64 which suggests that an older audience are likely to shop at Ocado while a younger audience may online shop elsewhere.
1) What is your favourite cuisine?
48% of participants stated that Italian food was their favourite cuisine followed closely by Indian food at 12%.
These results may be biased due to my family and friends mainly being predominantly Italian and Anja's family being Indian as we shared this survey with the people we knew.
When filtering this down to participants who have shopped at Ocado, we discovered that this equated to 6 individuals. Once filtered down, these participants liked Italian and Indian food equally. However, this may be biased as mentioned previously.
When collecting these results, they aided our decision on choosing Italian food as our international food in our motion ad.
Improvements - In future, a wider audience would have given us more of an insight into what cuisines are the most popular. With 25 participants this isn't really enough people to gain a proper answer to this question, especially if the results are slightly biased. To improve this in the future, sharing this survey to more individuals in general would be beneficial as this may have changed our results and sharing this survey to people who we don't know would make the survey less biased.
2) Which food products of your favourite cuisine are available where you usually do your grocery shopping, if any?
From this question, the answers suggested that pasta was the most popular food product with 8 participants commenting this answer. One participant mentioned gnocchi which was an unusual answer and therefore persuaded us to choose this as our food of choice for our ad.
Improvements - Although all participants answered this question, it seemed that some participants misunderstood the question and answered with the shop they usually shop at to buy their food products e.g. Sainsbury's, Tescos etc. This could be improved by re-wording the question so that this question is easier to understand. The question itself is very long and if you aren't reading the question carefully this could lead to misunderstandings.
3) How often do you order from Ocado?
From this question, we discovered that the majority of participants (12%) shop at Ocado once every 3 months or more and that not many participants have shopped at Ocado before - as 68% of participants answered 'never' to this question.

Improvements - Perhaps another question could have been asked regarding how often do participants online shop in general and not specific to Ocado. Therefore we could compare the shopping patterns of participants who shop online and on Ocado. Adding a comment box for the participants who answered 'never' would allow them to explain why they have never shopped at Ocado giving us more insight.
4) Do you feel like the selection of international food provided by Ocado is wide enough?
We discovered that the majority of participants were uncertain (56%) and after looking at the responses was due to never had shopped at Ocado meaning that they had never searched through their website either.
Improvements - Adding a comment box for participants who said 'No' in future may give us useful insight as to why they think that the selection of international food isn't wide enough.
5) How much, on average, do you spend each time you shop with Ocado?
Three participants skipped this question which may have been due to this being a personal question.
Half of the participants said less than £20, however when I thought about this question this could have also meant £0 as there wasn't a range in this answer.
Therefore by filtered this down to participants who shop at Ocado, the results came back quite differently. This may have been due to participants being unsure how to answer the question if they had never shopped at Ocado before or answering it not specifically about Ocado.
Improvements - Adding a 'Doesn't apply to me' or 'N/A' option would have been useful for this question so that it didn't either cause participants to skip the question or being forced to select an option that may not have been relevent to the question etc. Adding a 'Prefer not to say' option also would have been useful so that if a participant didn't want to answer they would be able to select this option instead of skipping the question.
6) Which companies have you ordered groceries from online?
52% of participants had ordered from Tesco which was the most popular online shopping platform however this was closely followed by Ocado at 24%.
Improvements - Perhaps adding a 'None of the above' option would have been useful for individuals who chose 'Other' as an option as they wrote in the comment box that they didn't shop online.
7) What do you like about Ocado compared to other similar online services?
This question was asked so that we could gain insight on what people like about Ocado in case we could include some of these elements in our ad.
There was a variety of answers to this question however the majority of participants mentioned the wide variety of products that Ocado offer compared to other supermarkets. However, the answers may have been influenced due to a previous question saying, 'Do you feel like the selection of international food provided by Ocado is wide enough?' which may have given the impression that Ocado already have a wide variety of food and therefore may have been considered when answering this question.
Improvements - In future, it would be better not to include questions that may influence participants answers in other questions or re-word these questions so that this problem is less likely.
8) What is your gender?
This question was asked so that we knew the gender of each participant as males may have different responses to females and so that we would have a better insight on who our target audience would be.
Improvements - In future, we could have more options for participants who identify as a different gender to the ones mentioned and add a 'prefer not to say' option as this can be a personal question for some individuals.
9) How old are you?
This question was asked so that we could gain a better insight into the age of our target audience.
44% of participants were aged between 18 - 24 which would suggest a younger audience however this result may be biased due to the group of individuals that were exposed to the survey being our friends who are a similar age to us.
When this was filtered down to participants who have shopped at Ocado, the majority of participants were aged 55 - 64 which suggests that an older audience are likely to shop at Ocado while a younger audience may online shop elsewhere.
Improvements - In future, we could post and share the survey on different platforms rather than just Facebook and Twitter to gain a wider variety of participants. Having more people take the survey would make our results more accurate and less biased.