Hackathon: Day 2 - SASS & Node.JS
Today's session on SASS & Node.js |
After downloading Node.Js we checked that it had installed using the terminal.
By entering "node --version" this outputs the version that is installed.
We then needed to install Sass.
On windows using "npm install sass -g" and on Mac using "sudo npm install sass -g" because without entering my password, I didn't have permission to download sass.
This successfully installed Sass.
SASS allows us to import files and both SCSS and SASS allow us to use variables unlike CSS.
We can use the terminal to convert a SCSS file into a CSS file.
I made a few mistakes however I managed to convert the SCSS file into a CSS file using the terminal.
The "cd command and the file path of the folder" allowed the terminal to find the folder.
The command "ls" displayed the contents of the folder.
The command "sass test.scss test.css" converted the scss file into a css file which is then shown in the folder when re-typing the command "ls" which showed the new contents of the folder.
We then went over basic coding principles using the P5.JS editor.