Hackathon: Day 4 - Heroku
I downloaded the portfolio-node folder from Study-Net and placed this folder into the documents folder.
I then went into this folder using the command, "cd portfolio-node" as I wasn't in the correct folder previously. I then initialised a git repo and committed my work, using the commands,
- "git init"
- "git add *"
- "commit -m 'Initial commit'"
I then logged into Heroku using the command, "heroku login" and created the app using the command, "heroku create". I pushed this to Heroku using the command, "git push heroku master" which outputted the server's URL once the push was complete.
I then opened the portfolio site using the command, "heroku open" which opened the site in my web browser.

If I decide to change this code, then I will need to add all of the files using the command, "git add *", commit my work using the command, "git commit -m 'Initial commit'", send my code to the server using the command, "git push heroku master" and open my app using the command, "heroku open".
By typing the command, "npm start" in the terminal, this starts the application on the localhost.
The "npm start" command runs "node app.js" as this is written in the package.json file.
When typing, "localhost:3000" in the web browser's search box, this loads up the portfolio site.
When typing "^C", this stops the connection to localhost.