Portfolio Site: Researching Parallax Websites
As I would like to add a parallax feature to the website, I wanted to gain inspiration from other websites that have taken this approach.
When looking at this blog post from Alex Black at Creativebloq.com, I looked at the websites listed.
Bear Grylls
I loved Bear Grylls' site due to it's interactivity as the user is immediately enagaed with the content of the site. When you first arrive at his landing page instead of scrolling down, you are almost scrolling into the image of the mountains. Once you have scrolled all the way, a video of his adventures automatically starts playing in the background with is great! The only problem with this is that it distracts you from the written content however it's very visually appealing. The website also doesn't include a single scrolling page where the navigation bar is anchors to different parts of the page which is one of the main features I want to include in my website. This site takes a while to load and go back to pages which can give the user a negative experience.
I like the way the landscape moves in a parallax way revealing a static single scrolling website with cool CSS elements. This includes both features that I would like to include in my website. I also like the colour palette that has been used as it is consistent throughout the site. Unfortunately this site is quite laggy so I will have to take this into consideration.
Although this website doesn't include any parallax features or a single scrolling page it does include a really cool scrolling feature. As you scroll down the page a bar underneath the navigation bar increase in size when you scroll downwards and decreases in size when you scroll upwards. I like the colour palette used in the site as it is consistent and is appropriate as a portfolio website.
My personal favourite is the Peugeot's website as it uses storytelling to deliver content to the user in a graphic novel style. This site is used to advertise their new HYbrid4 technology and is really interesting due to it's parallax features. Unfortunately I don't feel as though this would be an appropriate way to deliver my portfolio site as it may become too confusing for an employer to follow and wouldn't fit the theme of my site.
BLACK, A. (2018) 19 great parallax scrolling websites. [Online] June 11th 2018. Available from: Creativebloq.com https://www.creativebloq.com/web-design/parallax-scrolling-1131762. [Accessed: 2 November 2018].
BEAR GRYLLS. (n.d.) Bear Grylls. [Online] Available at: https://www.beargrylls.com [Accessed: 2 November 2018].
GARDEN. (2016) Garden. [Online] Available at: https://gardenestudio.com.br/index.php [Accessed: 2 November 2018].
BLACK, A. (2018) 19 great parallax scrolling websites. [Online] June 11th 2018. Available from: Creativebloq.com https://www.creativebloq.com/web-design/parallax-scrolling-1131762. [Accessed: 2 November 2018].
SOUNDSNAP. (2018) Ivo Ivanov's 12 Favorite Tools for Creative Sound Design. [Online] February 12th 2018. Available at: SoundSnap.com https://blog.soundsnap.com/2018/02/12/ivo-ivanovs-12-favorite-tools-creative-sound-design/# [Accessed: 2 November 2018].
PEUGEOT. (n.d.) Peugeot. [Online] Available at: http://graphicnovel-hybrid4.peugeot.com/start.html [Accessed: 2 November 2018].