Improvements & Reflection
Although I am pleased with the final version of my website found at: there are some aspects of this project that I feel as though I could improve upon.
Contact Form
My contact form is problematic as the submit button doesn't work as it should. The validation of the form works but nothing happens when you would like to send the form which makes me think that there may be a problem with the PHP file that came with my Bootstrap Template. The reasons why I think this is because the PHP file has an if statement that should print either a success statement or an error statement however neither of these occur.
Due to my lack of knowledge of PHP I didn't manage to solve this problem.
I did post this question on Stack Overflow however terms were being used that I didn't understand and due to time constraints I wasn't able to follow this up. Therefore in future, I will learn more about this topic either by taking a course online or watching tutorials so gain a better understanding of what is happening and going wrong.
Unlike/Like Button
I would have liked to expand more on this button by having it link to a social media that has the project on which automatically likes the project (or sends you to the project) alternatively perhaps a prompt to sharing the project on social media could be added as well as a like count using react.js or JavaScript. In future I will try to implement these aspects into my site however I would need to take an online course or watch a tutorial to understand react.js better.
I would have liked to have been able to edit the three.js elements on my website to make them more original so they aren't exactly the same as the examples displayed on the three.js website. More specifically I would have liked to have changed the way the sparks moved and glowed as well as the amount of sparks and the colour. Moreover, I did make changes to the code for the model so this differed from the example however I wasn't able to find a way to add a material to the model in three.js so that it could generate a cool effect. This was due to my lack of knowledge of the coding language and therefore in future would take a more in depth JavaScript course (specfically in three.js) to understand this better and achieve more unique looking objects.
I really enjoyed using SASS and therefore next time, will try and implement this into the site more. If I am working from a Bootstrap template again, then perhaps I will use the SCSS files instead of using the CSS files to edit the site, especially due to things like changing colours which were in multiple selectors.
Custom Domain
In future I will not be buying a domain name using GoDaddy as their DNS management settings do not work well with Heroku (as Heroku apps do not use static IP addresses). Therefore my app will only work with my domain name if http://www. is entered. Next time, I would go with a different provider such as namecheap as they are meant to work better with Heroku.
Contact Form
My contact form is problematic as the submit button doesn't work as it should. The validation of the form works but nothing happens when you would like to send the form which makes me think that there may be a problem with the PHP file that came with my Bootstrap Template. The reasons why I think this is because the PHP file has an if statement that should print either a success statement or an error statement however neither of these occur.
Due to my lack of knowledge of PHP I didn't manage to solve this problem.
I did post this question on Stack Overflow however terms were being used that I didn't understand and due to time constraints I wasn't able to follow this up. Therefore in future, I will learn more about this topic either by taking a course online or watching tutorials so gain a better understanding of what is happening and going wrong.
Unlike/Like Button
I would have liked to expand more on this button by having it link to a social media that has the project on which automatically likes the project (or sends you to the project) alternatively perhaps a prompt to sharing the project on social media could be added as well as a like count using react.js or JavaScript. In future I will try to implement these aspects into my site however I would need to take an online course or watch a tutorial to understand react.js better.
I would have liked to have been able to edit the three.js elements on my website to make them more original so they aren't exactly the same as the examples displayed on the three.js website. More specifically I would have liked to have changed the way the sparks moved and glowed as well as the amount of sparks and the colour. Moreover, I did make changes to the code for the model so this differed from the example however I wasn't able to find a way to add a material to the model in three.js so that it could generate a cool effect. This was due to my lack of knowledge of the coding language and therefore in future would take a more in depth JavaScript course (specfically in three.js) to understand this better and achieve more unique looking objects.
I really enjoyed using SASS and therefore next time, will try and implement this into the site more. If I am working from a Bootstrap template again, then perhaps I will use the SCSS files instead of using the CSS files to edit the site, especially due to things like changing colours which were in multiple selectors.
Custom Domain
In future I will not be buying a domain name using GoDaddy as their DNS management settings do not work well with Heroku (as Heroku apps do not use static IP addresses). Therefore my app will only work with my domain name if http://www. is entered. Next time, I would go with a different provider such as namecheap as they are meant to work better with Heroku.