Gaming Semiotics
After viewing Amanda Young's presentation and reading the transcript, I found myself feeling a bit confused. I am unsure what message she is trying to get across but it seems to be related to the portrayal of women in video games.
Gaming semiotics is defined as "the study of signs and symbols as elements of communicative behavior; the analysis of systems of communication, as language, gestures, or clothing" in relation to gaming.Young has mentioned the clothing aspect of gaming semiotics and mentions Barthes in the transcript who also looked at the fashion system in relation to semiotics.
Moreover a quote has been taken from Deuze's book 'Media Life' in which is stating that socially people are being entirely captured by mediated communication. Mediated communication "refers to communication carried out by the use of information communication technology and can be contrasted to face-to-face communication." Therefore explaining the fact that people are communicating less in person and more towards communicating by using technology. This refers to gaming because of the 'immersive digital world'.
I liked how this presentation was designed. It was vibrant and kept my interest. She talks about the balance between aesthetics and narrative influences a female characters role, personality and overall presence in a game.
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