User Testing
I tested my project using six test subjects, who included:
Alexia, 21 - Digital Media Design
Seetal, 19 - Digital Media Design
Ali, 19 - Digital Media Design
Matt, 23 - Sound Design
Andre, 14 - Year 9 student
Teresa, 42 - Accountant
While Alexia could not complete a question,
Ali attempted and was unsuccessful,
Seetal and Matt were both successful and were able to unlock the box.
Moreover Teresa and Andre were able to unlock the box really quickly.
Below are the raw footage of my test subjects testing my project.
Improvements & Future Developments based on user testing:
Throughout my testing, although I was videoing the test subjects they began to ask me questions on terminology and working out. This may have been because these questions are targeted mainly towards year 7-8 students as these questions are part of their curriculum while the test subjects hadn't revised Maths for 4 years + and therefore may have found it difficult to recall information from this long ago especially if Maths wasn't their strongest subject.
Therefore, for revision purposes it may be useful to add a help button that when pressed/rolled over, the user will be able to have information on the method and terminology used in the question without revealing the answer.
Another consideration is when answering the questions instead of having the submit button as the only way of submitting the answer, I could perhaps have the enter key as another way of submitting the answer. When observing the test subjects, it seemed that it was an instinctual reaction to press the enter key to submit the answer (especially when viewing Ali).