ACE Presentation Preparation: Market Research Survey
I conducted a basic market research survey on Instant Coffee packaging to understand what type of packaging appeals to young people. I did this so that I knew what type of packaging I was aiming to create and research to meet the target audience of young urban consumers.
100 people took part in my survey which was an amazing achievement!
Q1: What is your Gender?
I asked this question for general knowledge purposes so that I knew what gender was predominantly answering my survey. 1 participant skipped this question due to either preferring not to say their gender or their specific gender identity wasn't an option; for example identifying as gender fluid.
Therefore from this question more females answered this survey than males with a difference of 13.14%. This means out of the 99 participants for this question, 13 more participants were female.
The brief states that the target audience is young and therefore asked this question to make sure that participants were considered, "young".
The majority of participants were aged 18-20 at 74% while the minority were 4 participants that were 17 or younger. Therefore as all 100 participants were aged 29 or younger and with 0% of participants being over 29, this means that all 100 participants fit this criteria of being young consumers.
The majority of participants answered that they lived in the city and therefore are considered to be urban consumers. However 33% considered themselves to live in the countryside and therefore their responses would have to be disregarded as they do not fit the description of the target audience.
These responses were mixed with participants who lived in the city as well as the countryside and therefore had to disregard these answers as there were not classified as urban consumers.
All coffee brands were voted for at least once in my survey, however the majority of participants liked the packaging for Nescafe Azera. The second favourite was Douwe Egberts with 13% however Nescafe had 22% more votes than this brand.
Q6: Why did you specifically choose the instant coffee brand in the previous question?
I received 95 responses on this question which may have been due to participants not really having a specific reason as to why they chose the brand in the previous question.
These responses were originally mixed with participants who lived in the city as well as the countryside and had to disregard these answers as there were not classified as urban consumers. Therefore I picked out a few responses for this question where consumers fitted this criteria.
Participants mainly liked the packaging for Nescafe Azera as it was bright, colourful and drew their attention.

The reasons why participants voted for Douwe Egberts were mainly because of the jar.
100 people took part in my survey which was an amazing achievement!
Q1: What is your Gender?
I asked this question for general knowledge purposes so that I knew what gender was predominantly answering my survey. 1 participant skipped this question due to either preferring not to say their gender or their specific gender identity wasn't an option; for example identifying as gender fluid.
Therefore from this question more females answered this survey than males with a difference of 13.14%. This means out of the 99 participants for this question, 13 more participants were female.
Q2: What is your Age?
I asked this question to ensure that individuals taking the survey were those of my target audience.The brief states that the target audience is young and therefore asked this question to make sure that participants were considered, "young".
The majority of participants were aged 18-20 at 74% while the minority were 4 participants that were 17 or younger. Therefore as all 100 participants were aged 29 or younger and with 0% of participants being over 29, this means that all 100 participants fit this criteria of being young consumers.
Q3: Would you say you have grown up more in the....
Similarly, I asked this question to ensure that individuals answering my survey were those of my target audience. The brief states that the target audience are urban consumers therefore I asked this question as being "urban" is usually associated with growing up in the city.The majority of participants answered that they lived in the city and therefore are considered to be urban consumers. However 33% considered themselves to live in the countryside and therefore their responses would have to be disregarded as they do not fit the description of the target audience.
Q4: Do you like coffee?
I asked this question for general knowledge purposes so that I knew what percentage of people taking my survey liked coffee; as this may have affected their decision on the coffee brand they have chosen on question 5. Participants may have chosen a particular coffee based on the coffee itself rather than the packaging of the instant coffee and what they find visually appealing.
These responses were mixed with participants who lived in the city as well as the countryside and therefore I had to disregard these answers as there were not classified as urban consumers.
The majority of participants answered yes to this question while 40% answered no. Therefore this is a factor that I have to consider when analysing the results of my survey (as this may have affected the answer to questions 5 and 6).
I filtered my results so that I was able to find out how many participants who were considered, "Urban" liked or disliked coffee. This showed a very similar percentage to the mixed result previously where 43.28% of participants disliked coffee and 56.72% liked coffee.
Q5: Which of the instant coffee brands would you buy, or would consider buying based on visual appearance only?
This question included some images that were used as multiple choice for the participants to select.
I consider the question very important as each participants can visually assess which packaging they like the most.
These responses were mixed with participants who lived in the city as well as the countryside and therefore had to disregard these answers as there were not classified as urban consumers.
All coffee brands were voted for at least once in my survey, however the majority of participants liked the packaging for Nescafe Azera. The second favourite was Douwe Egberts with 13% however Nescafe had 22% more votes than this brand.
I filtered my results so that I was able to understand what urban consumers considered visually appealing. Therefore, I disregarded participants who lived in the countryside. Nescafe Azera was the majority vote by participants by 28.36% while Douwe Egberts came second with 16.42%.
Q6: Why did you specifically choose the instant coffee brand in the previous question?
I received 95 responses on this question which may have been due to participants not really having a specific reason as to why they chose the brand in the previous question.
These responses were originally mixed with participants who lived in the city as well as the countryside and had to disregard these answers as there were not classified as urban consumers. Therefore I picked out a few responses for this question where consumers fitted this criteria.
Participants mainly liked the packaging for Nescafe Azera as it was bright, colourful and drew their attention.

The reasons why participants voted for Douwe Egberts were mainly because of the jar.
