Motion Graphic: Original Storyboard Adaptations & Comparison

While we were working on our motion graphic in Adobe After Affects some frames from our original storyboard had to change due to design decisions, fitting with time constraints and helping our story flow better. The animation style changed slightly while illustrating this to feel more friendly and to add more expression to the characters.

Introductory Frame
This frame appears in the same way that we had planned on our storyboard.
We decided to use the cabbage colour palette from Ocado's branding colour palette as this is there autumn colour and therefore would fit with the time of year. We decided to use the core purple for the title frame and call to action frames as this colour contrasts well with the logo while the lighter purple colour didn't contrast as well with the core green. As this was Ocado's logo, I felt as though it needed to stand out. We used the lighter purple for the rest of the frames as this was less obvious that the core purple and was nicer than using a plain white in the background as this would have been boring.

This frame pulls the next frame onto the screen.

Questioning Mum
We changed this frame to not include the shelf as we thought that transitioning up to the shelf would be more appropriate and also would have less in frame to focus on so that you are forced to look at the two characters. The frame is also much more zoomed in so that we can see the characters more clearly and not have a lot of empty space. Having this frame more zoomed in meant that we didn't need to animate the walking of the girl which took less time for this frame's creation. Instead we changed the position of the girl slightly on the x-axis so she looked like she was walking instead of sliding onto the screen.

We didn't include the question mark as we thought this wasn't necessary.

Point to shelf
We changed this frame to not include the shelf as we thought that transitioning up to the shelf would be more appropriate and also would have less in frame to focus on so that you are forced to look at the two characters. The frame is also much more zoomed in so that we can see the characters more clearly and not have a lot of empty space. As the shelf is not in view of the screen the transition changed from zooming in to panning up to the shelf.

The Mum's face also changed from looking at the computer screen to looking at the girl and the girl's face changed from looking at the what would have been the shelf to looking at the Mum. 
This shows more of a connection between the two characters. We removed the exclamation mark as the girls face showed this exclamation instead.


This frame is very similar to the original screen however the gnocchi is more in view showing off the almost empty packet. We attempted to zoom into the framed Grandma however this took a lot of seconds and therefore thought it wasn't necessarily needed to get our story across to the audience.
The transition from the photograph to the Mum also was slightly different as instead of zooming out and shifting to an over the shoulder view we panned down to the Mum while zooming in to see the computer screen straight away. We also removed the flower from the shelf as this object wasn't needed.

Computer Screen
We changed the transitioning of this frame because we felt that we going from the shelf to this scene, we should pan down while zooming in for a smoother transition than showing this from the side then zooming into the screen.

The amount of items on the screen was decreased to three as we were able to show these items bigger and clearer as a grid of three rather than four. 
We also felt that there wasn't a need for the scrolling effect that we were originally going to add into this frame. Due to time constraints and the difficulty of this effect we thought that it would be easier to not include it in our motion graphic.

Checkout Button
We removed this altogether due to time constraints.
We realised that the frame wasn't necessarily needed and therefore spent this time showing the items screen to show the audience what Ocado have to offer.
The 'Add to Trolley' button does the job of the checkout button in the sense that the vans appear when this is clicked.

Originally there was only one van that would pull our Call To Action frame however after some thought and discussion we decided to add all of the vans with the cabbage (purple) van being larger than the rest.

The reasons for this was that it is common to see more than one Ocado van at one time while driving, there are using a fleet of them and therefore wanted to show this in our ad.
We decided that the cabbage (purple) van would be larger to fit with Ocado's branding. After visiting Ocado, during the site tour they explained that they mainly use the core colour and a different secondary colour each season. As purple is their autumn season colour, and as we started making our ad in autumn we thought that this colour should stand out hence making this van larger.

Call to Action
This frame appears in the same way that we had planned on our storyboard.
It pushes the vans offscreen as planned.

End Scene
For the last few frames we were just going to have the offer and call to action. However I proposed the idea to Anja to have a static scene that appears from the bottom of the scene while showing the offer where the Mum has made the dish that the Grandma has made previously. She is holding this dish in the same way that the Grandma does in the photograph. Having the girl happy in this scene will hopefully make the audience smile.


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