Reflective Post
On balance I believe this project was successful in telling a story through gameplay, asset design and the audio used. I created a successful platformer that allows the player to walk, jump, defend and collect items. On reflection there were elements that due to time constraints I wasn't able to implement and therefore I need to work on my time management skills. Throughout this project I have learnt that I need to improve coding in C#. I have realised that when writing code I am not using the most efficient or "cleanest" statements. For example when collected items in my script, I wrote ten if statements for each heart collected. Although this worked and was simple to understand, in future I would attempt to use a loop and array to run through each statement for each count number as this would save me time overall. Unfortunately due to my limited coding knowledge there were a few aspects of the game that I couldn't get to work. This included a health bar/hurt bar...